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Essays – Digitizing Ideas
  • 05/07/2012
    Darko Šimičić

    Notes on Tomislav Gotovac

    When he asked a friend to take snapshots of him in several pre-staged poses in the summer of 1960, Tomislav Gotovac, then 23, had probably hardly been aware that he had thus embarked on an exciting adventure of his own artistic work.

  • 05/07/2012
    Darko Šimičić

    Notes on Tomislav Gotovac

    When he asked a friend to take snapshots of him in several pre-staged poses in the summer of 1960, Tomislav Gotovac, then 23, had probably hardly been aware that he had thus embarked on an exciting adventure of his own artistic work.

  • 04/17/2012
    Kristian Lukić

    Veštačka nestašica i umetnost

    Samo groblje može biti transformisano u potpuni muzej, pre nego muzeji retkih stvari, kao što je slučaj danas. Samo muzeji koji liče na groblja su sećanja na sve ljude bez izuzetka, a ne na samo one značajne; samo groblja-muzeji stvaraju– Nikolaj Fjodorov (Никола́й Фёдорович Фёдоров)[1]

    [1]Fedorov, N. F. What Was Man Created For? The Philosophy of the Common Task: Selected Works. Koutiassov, E.; and Minto, M., eds. Lausanne, Switzerland: Honeyglen/L’Age d’Homme, 1990

  • 12/15/2011
    Radmila Iva Janković

    The Gorgonic Aura

    My reflection on Gorgona and its aura was inspired by a casual glance at the issue of Gorgona’s magazine with the motif of Mona Lisa, reproduced on a promotional canvas tote on the occasion of Josip Vaništa’s exhibition at Gliptoteka in February 2011.

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