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Gallery 1-36 – Digitizing Ideas

The gallery was active in Paris in the years 1972-1976. It was established by Anka Ptaszkowska, Michel Claura, Francois Guinochet and Daniel Buren with financial contribution from a Belgian art collector Herman Daled. The gallery was based on a concept - it didn't have a name, each event was a separate "gallery" and a number, e.g., gallery 1, gallery 2, gallery 3, etc.

However, not only exhibitions were called "galleries," but so were announcements that informed about the gallery’s operations. For instance, "Gallery 2" was a survey directed at artists asking whether they were satisfied with their participation in Documentain Kassel, while "Gallery 5" was an invitation announcing the opening of "Gallery 6." The gallery was “playing a gallery”, exposing or breaking rules typical for an art institution. One of the most important exhibitions was "Gallery 6," an exhibition entitled Tableau d'exposition(whose title can be translated as Picture of an expositionor Pattern of an exhibition). The exposition showcased works of ten artists in a beforehand determined rotary pattern.Every day different works were displayed in a completely new arrangement, random context, and subjected to an agreed on procedure.

Although working in a guerilla fashion, the gallery managed to gathera very active, international, artistic community associated with concept and minimal art. The gallery hosted shows by artists such as Carl Andre, Daniel Buren, Andre Cadere, Dan Graham, Goran Trbuljak and, thanks to Anka Ptaszkowska's connections, Henryk Stażewski and Edward Krasiński. As part of one of the "galleries" Daniel Buren made an intervention on windows of Henryk Stażewski and Edward Krasiński's studio in Warsaw.


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